Bad fencing ordinance tabled at city council for further study

2023-03-01 10:40:52 By : Mr. Ivan Arthur

MUNCIE, Ind. − Muncie City Council will take a bit longer to study a proposal to designed to prevent unsightly fencing in the community.

Council voted to table the ordinance, which would amend the city zoning ordinance to forbid the use of plywood, broken board, wood pallets, chicken wire, scrap lumber, discarded construction materials, sheet metal, wire mesh, tarps, cloth, canvass and similar materials from being used in new fencing in the city.

More:City Council to consider regulation of fencing material

The ordinance had been proposed by the Delaware-Muncie Metropolitan Plan Commission. Council member Roger Overbey said the city had problems with people using weed skids and other materials to make fences, creating ugly landscape for neighbors and passersby.

A citizen, David Nelson, approached the board and questioned the language of the ordinance, saying there wasn't a definition of what a fence was. He also questioned elimination of recycled material.

Council Member Isaac Miller urged the council not to overthink the language issue, adding the council relies on code enforcement to use common sense when applying zoning regulations.

In the end, the council voted to send the ordinance to the Land and Traffic Committee to work with the plan commission on language for an ordinance. Miller and Council Member Jerry Dishman voted against tabling the ordinance.

The council also introduced an ordinance that would change the application of some park rules for Prairie Creek Reservoir, including private use of alcohol for people leasing at Prairie Creek with their own campers. The changes would also permit card playing and deal with other issues.

Dustin Clark, a working foreman at Prairie Creek, said the changes would recognize the differences between the public areas and the leased property at Prairie Creek.

Council President Jeff Robinson suggested that the rules at Prairie Creek have its own set of rules entirely since the property is so different, given the type of recreation available there and overnight stays, than the other parks within the city.

In the short term, however, council voted in favor of the ordinance on introduction.

∎ Council voted to change language in its ordinance that created a registry of vacant and abandoned properties. Council Attorney Dam Gibson said issues had arise with properties that are vacant but not necessarily abandoned. In some cases squatters have gotten into such buildings. The ordinance would require vacant homes to be secured against unlawful entry.

∎ Jason Donati, storm water and recycling educator for the Muncie Sanitary District, said the District would be taking signups for the new recycling program on its website starting Wednesday. The District is changing from using blue bags for recyclables to providing 96-gallon blue toters. The program will include new trucks dedicated to collecting recyclables in the same fashion as trash. Roll out of the program could be as soon as May, Donati said.