IDEAonline - As is known, a septic tank is a container for collecting human waste that comes from toilet drains.These containers are planted in the ground at a certain position and the land of a building.The location varies greatly, depending on a number of factors, including the availability of land, considering the ease of desludging, or taking into account the distance to drinking water sources or absorption wells.Still confused about septic tanks for housing?Listen to this one!I intend to build a septic tank for a family of 4 people.The available land is quite limited.The problem I'm facing is as follows.• a plot of land measuring 4 mx 6 m next to the house, an area with a well;• Other available land that is a bit far from the well is in front of the house with a size of about 1 mx 3 m and 1 mx 5 m.2. There is a neighbor's well whose position is lower than mine, even though there is still a distance of 10 m from the prospective septic tank site.Another neighbor's well is relatively far away (more than 10 m) from the land in front of the house.The question is, what is the construction and size of the septic tank that is adequate for my family and safe enough for my neighbor's well?TIPS Make a Septic Tank in Narrow LandAlso Read: Beware of the Risk of Skin Cancer to Early Aging, This is an Effective Way to Avoid Direct Sun Exposure, Not Afraid of Getting Hot Right at HomeAlso Read: No wonder you are getting more and more harmonious with your husband every day, it turns out that you just change the wardrobe model at home, don't use anything like this anymore!London Renovations in Ontario What's the trick to building a septic tank on limited land but also safe for neighboring wells?It's awry if you want to place a septic tank on land that has limitations.This means that between the septic tank and the well there is a limited distance from neighboring wells.Moreover, IDEA lovers' houses and neighbors also have a slope, so it can be psychologically and physically disturbing.Quoting Tabloid HUMAH edition 74, household septic tanks should be placed at the front of the house.This is to facilitate maintenance and cleaning when the septic tank is full or when there is interference.With its position in front of the house, the vacuum cleaner will easily carry out desludging, while activities at IDEA lovers' house will not be disturbed by the suction hose that "roams around".Besides that, I also don't recommend placing a septic tank in the side yard, because it's located close to the IDEA lovers well.Also Read: It's really annoying when you just found out, this type of carpet turns out to be fire resistant and durable, see how your house will be tidier with carpetAlso Read: Minimalist Kitchen Design Made from Stainless Steel, How to Style Luxurious but Anti-Stain plus Anti-DentFor the septic tank itself, I provide a solution by making a simple single septic tank impermeable to water without seepage, so that the dirt or feces in the septic tank is not absorbed by the soil, so it will not interfere with the quality of groundwater.So both the walls and the bottom of the septic tank well are made of brick with a mixture of Trasram (1 PC: 3 sand) or all with reinforced concrete walls.With wall and floor construction like this, IDEA lovers don't have to worry about disturbing the neighbors' wells.An adequate septic tank size is 1.2 m x 1.4 m and has a depth of about 1.8 m.Then, the inside is sealed off by a dividing wall so that solid dirt can settle and be separated from dirty water.When there is a lot of dirty water, the water will come out by itself through the seepage water pipe into the gutter in front of the house, and some of it will go down through the holes at the bottom of the seepage pipe.Don't forget to put a layer of palm fiber and sand under the perforated seepage pipe, so that the water that seeps into the ground is still filtered by the sand and palm fiber.The end of the seepage pipe that is in the gutter wall should be covered with chicken wire (wiremesh) so that rats do not enter the septic tank.Also Read: It's really annoying when you just found out, this type of carpet turns out to be fire resistant and durable, see how your house will be tidier with carpetAlso Read: Minimalist Kitchen Design Made from Stainless Steel, How to Style Luxurious but Anti-Stain plus Anti-DentBesides that, the seepage pipe and drain pipe from the toilet must have a minimum height difference of 5 cm, so that when the water is full, it will not return to the toilet pipe.For maintenance, on a regular basis (once a month) IDEA lovers can add some kind of dry powder into the septic tank through the toilet hole which is the seed of putrefactive bacteria.These bacterial seeds are usually sold in agricultural drug stores or building materials stores (hopefully they are in IDEA lovers' city).Furthermore, on an annual basis or if it is felt that there is no smoothness in flushing, it is best to call a feces van to carry out desludging.Check the latest housing and inspiration news on the website, Facebook IDEA Online, TikTok IDEAonline, Instagram @ideaonline, Instagram @tabloidrumah, and Youtube IDEA HOME.#Rumahminimalis #Berbagiidea #Berbagicerita #Jadidarirumah #Gridnetwork #Rumahtropis #ConsciousLivingIDEA #ConsciousLivingAdjar Bobo Bolanas Bolasport BolaStylo Smart Shopping GirlsBanget Fotokita Grid Fame Grid Games Grid Health Grid Hot Motor Grid Pop Grid Star Grid.ID Gridoto Hai Hits Hype iDEA Computer Info Smartcity Info Digest Digest Plus Champion Kids Kitchenesia MakeMac Motorplus Nakita National Geographic Nextren Nova Otofemale Otorace Otoseken Parapuan Delicious Serving Sportfeat Stylo Suar SuperBall Video Weeken Gridvoice GRID Story Factory Gramedia Digital KG Media